Chief Executive Officer
Transfong Ventures Pte Ltd
Transfong Ventures在新加坡和中國廈門建立了一個跨國科創共建平臺,包含孵化機構以及
科技創投基金,平臺的運營也得到了投資人和政府機構的投資和贊助。Transfong Ventures 是一家風險投資公司,幫助深度科技公司在新加坡和中國開展海外業務並建立技術商業化合作夥伴關係。在擔任現職之前,李博士曾在新加坡最大的公共研發機構新加坡科學、技術和研究局 (A*STAR) 工作了 10 年,負責知識產權管理、技術商業化和行業研發合作。 在此之前,李博士還曾在新加坡台積電和恩智浦合資企業 SSMC 擁有 5 年的工程和研發項目管理經驗。
Dr. Li Wei has more than 17 years of experience in R&D, IP management, technology commercialization, start-up incubation and investment. He is the founder and CEO of Transfong Ventures, a venture builder that helps deep tech companies launch the overseas businesses and establish the technology commercialization partnership in Singapore and in China. Prior to the current role, Dr. Li had worked 10 years at Agency of Science, Technology and Research, Singapore (A*STAR), the largest public R&D organization in Singapore, for IP management, technology commercialization and industry R&D partnership. Before that, Dr. Li also had 5 years of engineering and R&D project management experience with SSMC, A Joint Venture of TSMC and NXP in Singapore.
Dr. Li was Adjunct Assistant Professor of Singapore University of Technology and Design, and Instructor of Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU) for university students, government officials and company senior management on technology commercialization, startup and innovation. He is the advisor for Fujian IP Administration and Fuzhou High-Tech Park Administration. He is also the Deputy Secretary of Singapore-China Association for Advancement of Science & Technology, Executive Member of Jiangsu Association and Huayuan Association in Singapore.
Dr. Li holds a Degree of Doctor of Philosophy and a Degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Microelectronics from Nanyang Technological University and Master of Business Administration from INSEAD.