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Speaker's profile - Mr. Daniel Collopy



Mr Daniel Collopy Principal

Spruson and Ferguson

Spruson & Ferguson智慧財產權代理及諮詢公司成立於1887年,在亞太地區擁有超過400人的龐大團隊。在曼谷,北京,布里斯班,香港,雅加達,吉隆玻,墨爾本,新加坡和悉尼均設有分公司。Daniel曾擔任刑事檢察官,曾在律師事務所和跨國公司內部工作,如摩托羅拉公司擔任了十多年的知識產權律師,以及在 Advanced Micro Devices Inc 擔任了幾年的副總法律顧問。

Prior to joining Spruson & Ferguson (Asia), Daniel had a varied career. He served as a criminal prosecutor before deciding to move into the field of intellectual property law where he has worked in both law firms and in-house in multinational corporations. Daniel’s in-house experience included more than a decade as an IP attorney with Motorola Inc and several years as Associate General Counsel for Advanced Micro Devices Inc. More recently, Daniel was an IP Consultant for Exploit Technologies and an instructor at IP Academy Singapore.

In addition to extensive experience in transactions involving IP (including M&A, joint ventures, and IPOs), Daniel has prepared and/or prosecuted more than 300 patents in semiconductor technologies (including memory technologies and semiconductor processing), communication technologies, electric automobile engine control systems, avionics and other software / electronics / mechanical / design areas. He also initiated an Anti-Counterfeiting Program in Asia which consisted of conducting cooperative raids in Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea and Taiwan and working with local and federal governments in China, Australia, Singapore, and the US to stem the manufacture, sale and flow of counterfeit communication products.

Daniel has lectured on IP issues in the United States, Australia, England, India, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and the United States, and has been teaching classes in Singapore on patent law, the business of IP (IP valuation and monetization), and patent drafting and prosecution.

Daniel is a member of the International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI) and is currently serving on the Study & Work Commission 10 (IP Valuation & Licensing).

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